2Do APP官网

  • 网站名称:2Do APP官网
  • 网站域名:www.2doapp.com
  • 收录时间:2024/03/29 07:13:54
  • 所属分类:体闲娱乐
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    2Do APP官网,应用描述:\"2Do adapts to my needs, not the other way around. 2Do gets me.\"- Macstories.2Do lets you take a completely different approach to managing your tasks. With its extremely simple-to-use interface and a comprehensive and flexible set of powerful features, it lets you focus on what\'s most important to you: your life. There is no wrong way of using 2Do, and unlike other to-do apps, it won\'t force you in adhering to a particular task management methodology.AWARDS• Macstories: App of the Year 2015.• Apple - App of the week, June 2015.• Apple - Mac App Store “Best of 2013”.• “Best App Ever Awards” Winner.• Cult Of Mac - 5/5.• Gizmodo \"Best app for forgetful people\" - Gold Medal.PLUGINS: Email to 2Do: Optional plugin that allows you to integrate your email address directly with 2Do, thus allowing you to email yourself tasks from anywhere. You can even use automation, such as IFTTT, to add reminders to your list.SYNC [PRO - Try for 21 days]• Stay in sync using one of the following: Dropbox, Reminders (CalDAV), Toodledo, Fruux (CalDAV), Calendar Server (CalDAV), ownCloud (CalDAV), SabreDAV (CalDAV) or a 3rd party CalDAV Server of choice.• Using Reminders CalDAV sync enables Siri.• Periodic automatic backups are created for you (compatible with 2Do for Mac) for a rainy day.• Automatic Push sync between devices.SIMPLE TASKS, CHECKLISTS & PROJECTS• Create simple tasks, or checklists and projects with sub-tasks. Tasks can have notes, attachments and multiple alarms.• Set any task to repeat using a flexible set of options.• Assign multiple alerts / reminders.PASSWORD PROTECTION• Set a lock to the whole app or individual lists.LIST GROUPS, LISTS, INBOX & SMART LISTS• In addition to built-in Focus lists that allow you to conveniently view upcoming, starred or scheduled tasks, you can create multiple lists to manage and organize your tasks.• Built-in support for GTD Inbox.• Smart lists let you harness the true potential of 2Do using a number of search options, filters and search pre-sets. Using Smart Lists, you can create custom views of your tasks and use them to focus-in or find frequently managed tasks. 
PINCH ZOOMING• Control the amount of information you wish to see with a simple pinch-to-zoom gesture, from single line titles to multiple lines of titles, notes and tags.
BATCH EDITING & SHARING• Drag & Drop support to move tasks between lists or drop on calendar to defer.• Batch tagging, starring, marking tasks done and more.• Task Sharing via AirDrop, iMessage and Email.REIMAGINED TASK EDITOR & QUICK ADD• With focus on switching between editors effortlessly using a single tap only, you’ll save dozens of taps and swipes when editing your tasks.• Save your thoughts as they come to you, by using Quick Add (Tap-hold on [+]).• X-callback-url support.TAGS• Manage tags from a dedicated Tags Panel.• Organize your tags within groups.• Leverage the powerful integration of Tags & Smart Lists to filter on frequently managed tasks. 
• Find Used vs. Unused tags.YOUR TASKS UNLIMITED• Set a Start Date to hide tasks from a list before they\'re relevant and add Duration to put an estimate on the amount of time you’ll be spending on your task.• Add an action to call, write an email or trigger a URL Scheme right from 2Do.• Attach an image or a voice note to your tasks.• Customizations for time management.• Use as an events / party planner, or an effective birthday reminder.• Desktop-class Task Manager.ALERTS [PRO - Try for 21 days]• Attach multiple alerts to each task.• Attach locations to tasks and get nearby alerts as you approach assigned locations.DESKTOP-CLASS IPAD APP• Everything from Tasks to Calendar Events - all managed from the same screen..• Manage calendar events and schedules.• Split-screen support.• Keyboard shortcuts.EXTRAS• TextExpander support.Follow us:Twitter: @2DoApp.Facebook.com/The2DoApp.Youtube.com/user/The2DoApp.


    “2Do APP官网_www.2doapp.com_网址导航”于2024年03月29日07时13分加入网站库的体闲娱乐分类,并成功建立了索引服务;供搜索引擎抓取/蜘蛛爬行/用户查找/检索;目前已经有 49人浏览了该页面,网站库旨在为网友提供网站目录索引服务,以及为优秀的网站提供外链支持,加快新站收录。优站网收录的2Do APP官网相关网站数据信息,所有数据资料仅供参考。如果需要更多信息请搜索“2Do APP官网”或者“www.2doapp.com”的相关词条!





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